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2. 英文廣播女聲讀經時,請點 Read: Judges 2:11–23(士師記2章11-23節),新視窗有經文
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4. 全年讀經進度英文Bible in a Year: 請點Proverbs 19–21; 2 Corinthians 7
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閱讀: 士師記2章11-23節 | 全年讀經進度: 箴言19-21章;哥林多後書7章
Read: Judges 2:11–23 | Bible in a Year: Proverbs 19–21; 2 Corinthians 7
We Have a King!
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit. Judges 21:25
After attacking my husband with hurtful words when a situation didn’t go my way, I snubbed the Holy Spirit’s authority as He reminded me of Bible verses that revealed my sinful attitudes. Was nursing my stubborn pride worth the collateral damage in my marriage or being disobedient to God? Absolutely not. But by the time I asked for forgiveness from the Lord and my spouse, I’d left a wake of wounds behind me—the result of ignoring wise counsel and living as if I didn’t have to answer to anyone but myself.
There was a time when the Israelites had a rebellious attitude. After the death of Moses, Joshua led the Israelites into the promised land. Under his leadership, the Israelite’s served the Lord (Judg. 2:7). But after Joshua and the generation that outlived him died, the Israelites forgot God and what He’d done (v. 10). They rejected godly leadership and embraced sin (vv. 11–15).
Things improved when the Lord raised up judges (vv. 16–18), who served like kings. But when each judge died, the Israelites returned to defying God. Living as if they didn’t have anyone to answer to but themselves, they suffered devastating consequences (vv. 19–22). But that doesn’t have to be our reality. We can submit to the sovereign authority of the eternal Ruler we were made to follow—Jesus—because He is our living Judge and King of Kings.
Jesus, please help us remember You are our living King of Kings and Lord of Lords, almighty and worthy of our loving obedience and trust.
God gives us the power and the privilege to enjoy the rewards of doing things His way.
1. https://tw.voicetube.com/ (看影片學英文)
4.【經典故事】青年聖經講座 - 但以理書(八)70個7 陳希曾博士主講
5. 《靈命日糧-網路廣播odb.org》點選日期,點開網路廣播: 或選其他語言英文 或 中文 Traditional-odb.org (請點擊進入連結)
‧ 英文經文廣播Biblegateway.com: 用滑鼠點 Read: 選英王欽定版(King James Version)(用滑鼠點連結,收聽請 按喇叭符號)
7. 【 內在生活 】 內在生活 第一章 早晨的時光 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯
8. https://traditional-odb.org/2017/09/14/我們有一位王!/
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