
Since the Democratic Progressive Party swept into power last May, President Tsai Ing-wen has made reforming Taiwan's archaic pension system a government priority.

A main area of contention has been the pace of which reforms are to take place. For example, Lin fears that the gradual pace proposed by the government may not translate into a sustainable system, describing it as a temporary solution at best.

The group say they want to make policymaking more transparent and streamlined, moving away from bureaucracy for bureaucracy's sake.

Members of the TCSIC have powered their message of questioning business as usual in the public sector through social media.

"Other young civil servants wanted a more radical approach: a clear division along generational lines to pursue reform objectives. But our viewpoint is different: a country's pension system is built on generations paying into it to support the next — so when we hear these opinions we have to take them into account and make adjustments accordingly," he said.


One video clip published on Facebook outlines the convoluted and closed-off process of policymaking.

Chou 翻譯公司 whose own family includes retired civil servants was initially asked why he wanted to involve himself in the issue.

Politicians in the past balked at diffusing the crisis 翻譯公司 aware their policy choices could very well blow up in their face.

And even among groups supporting reform positions were diverse. Chou emphasized repeatedly during our conversation that TCSIC could not possibly represent all of its members.

In the video 翻譯公司 the inefficiencies of the public policy process are assessed from day one 翻譯公司 when isolated groups formulate policy based on their own internal discussions. By the time the policy has been finalized and outsiders 翻譯公司 including the media, find out about its deficiencies, the group is forced to push through an alternative that is still unconvincing. The short clip ends by asking: "Everybody sees the problem with this: what can be done to save the government?"

"While they can't agree completely with our position, when I explain our predicament of high contribution rates, delayed retirement age and the looming threat of bankruptcy, they can start to at least sympathize with our dilemma." Chou added that he was surprised when older superiors showed support and encouragement for the group's mission to institute changes from within.

"There are deliberate moves by some to frame this as a 'political stocktaking against civil servants' in order to frame this as an ideological issue involving the pan green and pan blues. This has transformed an issue about systemic problems into a war of words."

Lin said in an op-ed last month he was being monitored and vetted by an internal agency due to his participation in TCSIC.

Galvanized by Lin's open letter to the Tsai administration, Chou later became the organizations' spokesman for government-held discussion panels on pension reform.

文章出自: http://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=239746有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社
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