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在快速更改 翻譯時代裡,豈論品牌主或廣告商,其實一樣戒慎恐懼,想要盡快走出迷霧、找到出口 翻譯社而在這場沒有正解、沒有終點 翻譯測驗中,也許,不要停下腳步,才是獨一 翻譯答案。


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有關經典片子歌曲,可瀏覽George先前寫的等文章:《北非諜影》獲得靈感的<卡薩布蘭加>、《鐵達尼號》的<愛無止盡>、《第六感存亡戀》的<奔放的旋律>、《熱舞十七》 翻譯我生射中 翻譯光陰>和<飢渴的眼>、《麻雀變鳳凰》的<喔奇麗的女人>、《無盡的愛》 翻譯無盡的愛>、《飛越蘇聯》的<說你,說我>、《回到將來》的<翻譯氣力>、《軍官與名流》的<Up where we belong>、《周末夜狂熱》 翻譯周末夜狂熱>、《小子難纏》的<愛的光榮>、《捍衛兵士》 翻譯你令我神魂倒置>&<危險地帶>、《洛基第3集》的<虎之眼>等等。


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義翻中代PO,請勿回站內信 本職位需於加拿大蒙特婁恒久駐點,請確認自己有前往加拿大工作 翻譯意願再行送達履歷 ────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業/組織全名:Enzyme Testing Labs Inc. ( http://www.enzyme.org/ ) [必]統一編號:加拿大公司,無台灣統編 [必]負 責 人:Martyne Malo [必]地  址:2031 Cure-Labelle Boulevard 翻譯公司 Saint-Jerome 翻譯公司 Quebec, Canada [必]電  話:1-450-995-2000 [選]傳  真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:協助遊戲中文化,包括翻譯、審稿及其他相幹工作 [必]全/兼職:全職 (合約制,先簽一年,視專案需求及施展闡發或可續第二年) [必]涉及語言:英文翻台灣繁體中文 [必]所屬範疇:電玩遊戲 [必]報酬計較:$20.6 加幣/小時 (一週工時 40 小時) ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵條件: Job title: LINGUISTIC EXPERT – TRADITIONAL CHINESE LANGUAGE (from Taiwan) We are actively looking for linguistic experts for one of our prestigious international clients. You will be the reference of your language and have to put your own seal of quality. Enzyme is a privately held gaming company founded in 2002 and based in Quebec / Canada. From the beginning, Enzyme decided to focus on video games only. The organization has over 12 years of experience in group insurance testing quality video games and discussion, with offices in Canada and Japan. RESPONSIBILITIES: Linguistic test (10%) * Review and adjust the game texts to identify and correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax to produce accurate texts; * Validate the consistency of subtitles and audio so that the text elements are consistent with the corresponding audio; * Identify cultural mistakes and propose relevant adjustments; * Submit content, style or structure recommendations that adds value to written and audio contents; * Enter the linguistic bugs in the database according to the procedure. Translation: (60%) * Translate the text from English to Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) by writing as closely as possible the content, context and style of the original text; * Translate the text of the game in accordance with the terminology of the game and methodology of the client; * Review and correct the texts translated by other translators. Expert content - linguistic expert (30%) * Perform comprehensive analysis of texts to validate understandability, structure, accuracy and adaptation for the recipients; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to the terminology of the game and the client; * Decide on the consistency of the texts produced by team members with respect to rules and spell nature and typographical conventions used in the organization; * Conduct terminological research in the field of video games to add to the customer terminology bank games; * Validate the translations and revisions produced by team members; * Identify the major linguistic bugs and communicate them to the development team; * Precisely and promptly respond to queries and questions; * Compile and send statistics to the QA Lead so he can incorporate them into the end of day report; * Update and communicate checklists and "trackers" to the team; * Train and supervise, if any, other testers and translators. REQUIRED SKILLS : * Show good interpersonal communications; * Demonstrate thoroughness; * Have a strong sense of observation and attention to detail; * Be able to work under pressure; * Have experience in translation or revision of Traditional Chinese (from Taiwan) (3-5 years); * Have a degree in translation, literature or related field (an asset); * Have a thorough knowledge of the cultural environment of the language market for which the game is designed (must have left the cultural environment less than three (3) months ago; * Demonstrate the ability to work with different platforms and types of games; * Good knowledge of Microsoft Word applications (Word, Excel, ...); * Knowledge of the translation tool used by the client (asset); * Mastering of the requested native language - spelling 翻譯公司 punctuation 翻譯公司 style 翻譯公司 grammar 翻譯公司 regionalisms; * Mastering the English language both written and oral. WE OFFER : * Paid training; * Competitive salary ($ 20.60 per hour); * Insurance if eligible. Project based position: the candidate must be available for a period of up to 2 years. Selection tests will be sent to applicants to validate mastery of the language. 職缺網址:https://goo.gl/9ofzAS [必]應徵期限:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Karine Theberge [必]聯系方式:請將履歷寄到 [email protected] ────────────────────────────────────── [選]其他事項: 1. 應徵者不需為加拿大公民,公司可協助申請 Work Permit 2. 本職缺需在客戶辦公室持久駐點 3. 登科者須於來歲二月初報到 註:我與 Enzyme 公司並沒有貿易上的合作關係,純潔協助該公司的 Recruiter 張貼這份職 缺訊息,也與各位分享這個到加拿大工作的機遇 翻譯社若有任何疑問,請直接聯絡該公司,我 沒法代為回覆,感謝。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯


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同曲調:小陀螺 /Little Spinner/Shou Toulou

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Since the Democratic Progressive Party swept into power last May, President Tsai Ing-wen has made reforming Taiwan's archaic pension system a government priority.


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41. He always gets ________ the bus at the station.


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Line ID: georgechiu93


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詳細資料ISBN:9789574311293叢書系列:行銷學規格:平裝 ...


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克萬亞瑪語翻譯來自: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily/article/headline/20110223/33202958有關翻譯的問題迎接諮詢華頓翻譯社 肖納文翻譯說話翻譯公司

網友「羅諾威」昨在台大批踢踢(telnet://ptt.cc)貼文指稱,使用Google線上翻譯(http://translate.google.com.tw),查詢「有情人終成眷屬」 翻譯英譯,竟呈現上述的搞笑中譯 翻譯社


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土庫曼文翻譯貼心提醒: 為了維護版面整潔以及我更新上 翻譯方便 除非有大量保舉套件的更新 不然我不會在這邊一向點竄文章 但我會持續更新我在 Google Notebook。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 上的清單 迎接大家來參考:D Google Notebook - Chrome精選套件 by howar31 [ http://goo.gl/k3hk ] 有任何定見或反映接待在我部落格這篇文章下留言[ http://goo.gl/tIQ4 ] ※ [本文轉錄自 Google 看板] 作者: howar31 (影紫‧歐人) 看板: Google 題目: [保舉] Google Chrome 擴充套件 Extensions 精選 時間: Sat Dec 12 23:53:36 2009 人人好 不知道大師玩Google Chrome Extensions玩得怎麼樣了:D 相信數目超複雜的套件庫讓各人都很開心:) 不外也因為數量之複雜 讓之前沒用過含有擴充套件功能瀏覽器(i.g. Firefox)的玩家手足無措 是以我在此供應並保舉一些好用套件給大家參考 也迎接大師一同推文保舉更多好用 翻譯套件唷! == 本片入手下手...... (誤 == 豈論你有無玩過Firefox套件 沒玩過的 在下面看看有無很酷的工具趕快裝在你 翻譯Google Chrome上面! 有玩過的 鄙人面看看有沒有很眼熟的套件是否是也來到Google Chrome了! 以下我只做簡略 翻譯介紹 具體的介紹(包羅套件截圖)直接點進保持就能夠看到 == 喔對了 下面將分為兩大類 公用電腦: 這些套件不需要登入也不會記載任何器械,就算在公用電腦也適合安裝 私家電腦: 這些套件需要登入某些辦事(Google、Facebook等),建議只在小我電腦上利用 另外 我略微用「==」分隔線把不同類型的套件做個小小區分 而我個人強力保舉的套件我會標上這個色彩 接待各人一起推行好套件! ==公用電腦== Chrome Touch 讓你可以用滑鼠直接拖動頁面,就好像Adobe PDF或iPhone那樣拖沓 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ncegfehgjifmmpnjaihnjpbpddjjebme Chrome Reload 主動從頭清算頁面的功能,每一個分頁可以獨立設定 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/njoipeaphfnaplplihpbgndfojhdhmjo SmoothScroll 膩滑 翻譯捲動頁面,而不是本來的一格一格 翻譯感受 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cccpiddacjljmfbbgeimpelpndgpoknn Timer 小小計時器,可以設守時間倒數,時候到了會跳出訊息警告 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hepmlgghomccjinhcnkkikjpgkjibglj Session Manager 瀏覽記載管理器,可以經管記載今朝 翻譯分頁,輕易一次開啟整組分頁 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bbcnbpafconjjigibnhbfmmgdbbkcjfi Tab Menu 分頁治理,可以在一個下拉式功能表裡看到所有的分頁,並且有搜索功能 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/galfofdpepkcahkfobimileafiobdplb TooManyTabs for Chrome Tab Menu + Read It Later的套件,可以總攬今朝所有分頁並可把臨時不看的暫存 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/amigcgbheognjmfkaieeeadojiibgbdp == 下面兩個根基功能完全一樣,只是介面的分歧 Classic版本是把按鈕放在網址列裡對照不佔空間,介面也比較美觀,保舉利用 IE Tab https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd IE Tab Classic https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/miedgcmlgpmdagojnnbemlkgidepfjfi == Bubble Translate 可以直接用快速鍵反白網頁上 翻譯文字,而且跳出泡泡翻譯訊息 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/jlhlebbhengjlhmcjebbkambaekglhkf Google Dictionary Lookup 跟Bubble Translate很像,不外這是查詢Google字典,因此資訊更多,保舉使用 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ipdjaafajlfiopcppipdinmcjbcpofhd Tong Wen for Chrome 同文堂,老牌的繁簡轉換套件 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/geibnfhckmgdhjicggkjdafecgclammb Google Translate 利用Google Translate手藝,可以直接把全部頁面翻譯成指定說話 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb == ForeCastFox 老牌Firefox景象形象預告套件,一看名字就知道是Firefox轉來的......orz http://www.chromeextensions.org/utilities/forecastfox/ BBC News 提供即時BBC新聞頭條 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/demajmfijlhlomgneclfgajekhmomhof == Beautify Facebook 整體美化Facebook介面,建議搭配Facebook Fixer利用 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ipnenhkngeiigfbhacdhadcnjjklhblm Facebook Fixer Facebook強力擴充功能套件,供給極度多利便功能,建議搭配Beautify Facebook使用 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/egjpclbmbbcndoljcjfleefnpjbiemdl AlWittizer Facebook Enhancer 這套件同時美化介面並強化功能,不需要搭配Fixer或Beautify,依小我喜好選用 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/jmlfacceemopmehiobgdblbbhomlekhf 上面這三款 不需要同時安裝全部 建議使用「Beautify + Fixer」或是單逐一個「AlWittizer」便可 == AutoPagerize for Chrome 主動讀取下一頁的內容整合成一頁,支援多個網站與論談,讓你不消一直按「下一頁」 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/igiofjhpmpihnifddepnpngfjhkfenbp Google Quick Scroll 在Google搜索並且進入頁面今後,可以直接跳到包括環節字的位置 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/okanipcmceoeemlbjnmnbdibhgpbllgc Google Preview 在Google搜索旁邊加上頁面預覽圖 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hcjdanpjacpeeppdjkppebobilhaglfo == Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google) 讓所有PDF和PPT貫穿連接直接使用線上「Google文件」開啟 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/nnbmlagghjjcbdhgmkedmbmedengocbn Cooliris 超酷炫3D幻燈片套件,支援Google圖象搜索、Facebook等多個網站 https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/noocneohefmdhonidldnlhaainpiomkp ChromeMUSE - 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